Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Juray, Elara, and Von (Part 6 of 6)


Elara frequented the drug store in her 
neighborhood because it was convenient, and 
they usually had many of the little things that she needed to grab here and there. The manager of the store was a tall, attractive, brown-skinned bald guy, with a well-groomed goatee. He always smelled nice and always looked nice. They would talk and flirt whenever they saw each other. One day, they got into a conversation that let her know that he liked her a lot, and he was single. He also lived alone. She had known him long enough to know that she liked him too, and wouldn’t mind getting to know him better. He may just be what she needs to let her married lovers go.

Elara hadn’t seen Von or Juray in over a month. Maybe she can finally break from them if she gets something going with Brellon. She got a bit excited at the thought of finally meeting someone who wasn’t married, and seemed to have it going on. But she also didn’t want to jump the gun. She only knew Brellon from the store. She didn’t know much about him outside of that. He asked her out to the movies, and she accepted. It had been awhile, and she needed to do something a little different.

The night of the movie, they met at the theater. Brellon offered to pick her up, but she felt more comfortable just meeting there. They went to see The Danish Girl. It wasn’t really on Brellon’s radar, but Elara really wanted to see it. After the movie, they went out to eat to talk about the movie, they were both movie buffs. The movie was better than Brellon thought that it would be, so they had an in depth discussion about transgender identification, and the fact that this movie was about one of the first transgender surgeries.

They then started talking about more personal subjects, and Elara always liked to get it out there that she isn’t looking for any committed relationships. She made it clear that her life is busy, and she would only be available at random times to hang out, or just chill. And that anyone that’s in her life at this time would have to understand and accept that about her. Brellon claimed that he understood, and was interested in pursuing a deeper friendship with her. Elara was excited about the prospect of having a friend and companion that wasn’t in a committed relationship with anyone else. She could accept that he may have other female friends, but she didn’t need to know about them, just that they existed.

So, one day Brellon called to see if Elara was available to come over to his place, to have dinner and watch some movies with him. She was excited about the invite, and was happy to accept. Juray had called minutes after she and Brellon hung up, and she had to let him know that she was busy that night. She thought that it would be harder for her to detach from Juray and Von, but at the moment it didn’t seem to be. She wasn’t ready to verbally end her “relationships” with them yet, because she didn’t know if this one was actually going to take off or not. But she didn’t want to be with them while she was trying to make a connection with Brellon.

She and Brellon seemed to be hitting it off well. Their night of eating, drinking, watching movies, and chilling was just what she needed, and everything just felt so right. They were all hugged up on the sofa, when Brellon began to kiss her on the forehead. She then turned her head up so that he could kiss her in the mouth. They were in kind of an awkward position for kissing, but it turned out to be perfect because of the way that their mouths met. Their mouths covered each other on a perfect perpendicular angle, which allowed them both to probe their tongues deeply into each other’s mouths.

They both probed, and sucked, as their tongues would take turns licking each other, and sucking each other, and probing each other’s mouths. Elara would finally turn around to kiss him face to face, and to suck on his bottom lip, because she loved doing that and it felt so sexy. Brellon grabbed her by the hair and took control of the kissing. His tongue just invaded her mouth and took control of her tongue as he did all of the sucking and probing, and wouldn’t allow her tongue any more control. She just gave in and let him do his thing, until he was finished.

When he was finished his controlling, yet sexy kiss, he let go of Elara’s hair, then got up off of the sofa. He took off his clothes, down to his boxers and told Elara to do the same, but to keep her bra and panties on. He loved looking at her body in her pretty underwear. He sat back on the sofa and had Elara straddle him. They began to kiss then he told her to suck on his nipples. This drove him absolutely crazy. She sucked on one, as she rubbed on the other, then went back and forth as he writhed and moaned. She then got down off of his lap, to attend to his hardness. It had already found its way out of the opening in his boxers. She grabbed it and began to use a twisting motion as she went up and down with a firm yet not too tight grip.

Brellon stopped her, then pulled her forward to him as he unhooked her bra, which exposed her full breasts. He brought her back up into his lap so that he could suck on her breasts, before he asked her to stand up, then pulled her panties down, then off. He pulled himself up and took off his boxers, then sat back down. He had Elara sit down on his erection until it was deep inside of her. She couldn’t help but to move back and forth, riding his dick as he grabbed her hips while facing away from him. It felt so good to her that she couldn’t stop her movement, and it felt so good to him that he continued to help her by pushing and pulling on her hips. She kept riding him until she exploded with an intense orgasm. She then began to slow down, as she was also out of breath.

Brellon helped her up, then told her to get on her knees and bend over the seat of the sofa. He entered her from the back, as she arched her back and spread her legs so that he could get as deeply inside of her as possible in that position. She held on to the sofa cushions as he fucked her hard and fast in order to get his relief. He really didn’t want to come because it was feeling so fucking good to him, but he just couldn’t pull out. When he came, he made a sound that seemed as if he was in pain, but Elara had heard it before, and knew that it was just his sound of intense release. He laid there on her back for a couple of minutes, then he pulled himself together in order to get up onto the sofa. Elara went to the restroom to clean herself up, and to get back into her underwear. They cuddled up again for a while, as the both fell to sleep. Elara awakened a couple of hours later, got dressed then awakened Brellon. She let him know that it was time for her to go, because she had work in the morning. He threw his clothes on and walked her to her car, then kissed her goodnight. They both parted feeling awesome about that night and each other.

The days following their night of intimacy, Brellon began calling Elara daily. He then began to call her multiple times a day. Elara wasn’t use to this, nor did she like it. She tried to be patient and didn’t want to be mean, so she would try to stay cordial, and didn’t want to ignore his calls. She eventually let him know that she didn’t really have time to talk to him several times a day, and asked him if he could try to keep it down to once a day, because she would not be able to continue to answer or call back everytime that he called. She just didn’t have the time. He said yes and seemed to understand, but after a few days, he continued to call several times a day. So Elara just wouldn’t answer each time. They would eventually get into an argument over this, and Brellon began to accuse her of being with other men.

“What?!?!”, said Elara. “Even if I was seeing other men, and I’m not, that’s none of your business, because we aren’t a couple. I thought that I made that clear.”
“Well, I don’t want to deal with someone whose fucking other men, because I’m not trying to catch anything, and I’m not trying to deal with having anybody trying to get in my face over you.”
“Well, if I was fucking someone else, I would tell you. But I can see whoever the hell I want to, until we BOTH establish that we only want to see each other. And the way that it looks at this point, it aint happening. We have only been seeing each other for a couple of weeks, and you’re acting as if we’re a couple, and we’re not.”

Brellon finally told her that he had been in a bad situation in his last relationship. His previous girlfriend cheated on him, and he had a confrontation with the man that she was cheating with. He ended up getting shot by the guy, and almost died. He told Elara that she was the first female in 2 years that he was interested in, and he told her that he really liked everything about her. Elara understood, but was not ready to take on a friendship with someone that had such deep rooted issues. She didn’t have the time, patience, or desire to deal with this as his lover. They couldn’t have a sexual relationship anymore, but she didn’t just want to cut him off completely. She understood his issue, and wanted to try to at least be a listening ear, but being a listening ear proved to be a bad idea. He still wanted to be with her, and couldn’t help but let her know every chance that he got. She ended up cutting him off, but before she did, she suggested that he get some help. He didn’t feel as though he needed any, so she just stopped answering his calls, and stopped going into his store.

In the meantime, Juray and Von had no clue what was going on with her. Because they only got the see her once in a while, when she said that she was busy, it was just normal for them. They both began to miss her, but always knew to give her, her space. Even though Elara was  hoping to break her bond with her two married lovers, it wasn’t going to happen at this time. And she wasn’t going to cut off what she needed. She did let them know that she had met someone, and that she did engage in unprotected sex with him, in order to give them the opportunity to decide to use protection themselves. They didn’t. They knew that Elara got tested yearly for STD’s and HIV, but she didn’t really understand their decisions not to use protection, other than the possible false security of believing that her being responsible enough to get tested yearly, proved that she wasn’t at high risk for those diseases. And she wasn’t really sure why she didn’t make them use protection. She had a lot to think about.

Look for the book based on the Juray, Elara and Von Blog, in the near future.

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