Thursday, August 11, 2016

Juray, Elara, and Von (Part 2 of 6)

Juray was the epitome’ of what Tall, Dark, and Handsome should be. He was always well dressed, even when he dressed down. He always smelled delicious, wearing his designer fragrances. He wore the sharpest shoes, usually Italian made. Had locs down to his waist, and worked out several times a week, so his six pack was tight. He owned a sports bar, outside of Philly. One night while Elara was hanging out at the sports bar with her girlfriends, she got into an altercation with a male patron who was trying to be a little too friendly. He bought her and her girlfriends a drink, and they thanked him for it. He decided to stand over Elara and whisper in her ear, and she kindly let him know that she wasn’t interested in dancing with him.

            “Wow! I buy you and your friends a drink, and you can’t even give me a dance? 
            Just one dance?”

She wasn’t feeling his vibe or his remark, so she went into her purse to replace the cost of all of the drinks, with enough for a generous tip. She stuffed it in his shirt pocket and said,

            “NO! I’M NOT INTERESTED!”

He got an attitude, and was really pissed off that she did that.

            “Who the FUCK are you calling a bitch, PUSSY!!!”, Elara responded.

The guy grabbed her, and before he had a chance to hurt her, she kneed him in his balls, hard. Then she uppercutted him, then right hooked him to his jaw, and he hit the floor. Elara had done some MMA training for a little while, as one of her workout routines. She learned enough to handle the average guy on the street, and handle him she did. Juray was alerted of the fracas, and got there in time to see the male patron on the floor. He immediately attended to him to help him up, since he seemed to be the only one in distress.

            “What happened?” asked Juray. Elara let the male patron answer.
            “It was a misunderstanding” he said.
            “Was it, Ms…..????” Juray was waiting for Elara to say her last name.
            “Stanford! Elara Stanford! Yes, that’s what happened.”

Everything happened so fast that her girlfriends didn’t even have a chance to respond, or anything else except to watch in confusion. She obviously didn’t need any help; they just didn’t know what happened. Juray walked the patron to an empty booth so that he could pull himself together. He got one of the waitresses to get him a drink on the house. Juray went back over to talk to Elara, to find out what really happened. She just stuck with her story, and said that all was well. Juray knew that there was more to it, but didn’t push the issue. He just made it a point to remember them both, just in case there were any more incidents.

Elara let her friends know that she would explain, once they left the sports bar. She encouraged them to continue to have fun, because she was going to. So they went back to drinking, talking, laughing, and dancing. They all ended up having a great time that night. Once they left the bar, Elara told her friends what happened. They had a good laugh, because they already knew what Elara was capable of. They each parted in their own vehicles, as they left to go home.

A couple of weeks later, Elara went alone to her favorite diner, to have breakfast. It was one of her favorite things to do when she just wanted to relax. As she was reading the news on her phone, she heard someone say, “Ms. Stanford?” She looked up, and it took her a few moments to realize who it was. It was the gentleman from the sports bar who intervened after her altercation.

            “Hello! How are you?” she said.
            “I’m good, how are you this morning?” asked Juray.
            “I’m wonderful!”
            “Great! Are you waiting for someone? Or would you mind if I sit with you?”
            “Oh, no I’m alone. And no I don’t mind at all, but it would be nice if I knew 
             your name.” she laughed.
            “I’m so sorry, my name is Juray! I’m the owner of the sports bar that you 
            were attending that night.”
            “NICE! You have a nice place there, but you might need to do a better 
            job keeping out the riff raff.”

Juray sat down. And right before he ordered, he said to her,

“Now, now! If you had been truthful with me that night, and you really 
should have been, I could have banned that guy from the bar. 
Now I might have to wait until he harasses another woman who can’t
defend herself as well as you, and guess whose head that will be on?”
“Wow, you’re right. I wasn’t really thinking about that when I let 
            him off the hook.”
“Well, I haven’t seen him in there since, so maybe he won’t return. 
 So what really did happen that night?”

Elara told him the story, and he was tickled by it. They had a nice conversation, and both enjoyed their meals. They then exchanged numbers before they parted ways. They would talk on the phone, every now and then, until one day months later Juray invited Elara out to dinner. They went to a nice Japanese restaurant to eat sushi appetizers and seafood entrée’s. They finished their meals, but talked for an hour and a half longer. When they realized that they were taking up space for so long, they decided that it was time to leave. They both sat in Elara’s car and talked for another hour or so. Juray was really feeling Elara, and felt it was important to let her know that he was married before things went any further.

            “I’m having such a good time with you, but I need to tell you something,” 
              said Juray.
            “You’re married!” Elara knew what that was a prelude to.
            “Yes!” he said almost embarrassingly.
            “So what are you doing hanging out with me?”
            “Do you really want to know?”
            “Actually, no I don’t! It’s none of my business.”

She had already become very attracted to his great sense of humor, his intelligence, and his business acumen; not to mention everything about his physical appearance and his attention getting presence. She knew that she wanted nothing from him, except sporadic companionship and (hopefully) good sex, so his marital status wasn’t a strong enough reason to turn her off. They were both over 45 minutes from home, so they decided to get a hotel room. Juray gave her the cash to pay, but she gave him half of it back. It was only fair that they shared the expense. So, she took care of getting the room and registering her car, because he had a lot to lose by using his name and registering his car. The room was good enough for what they wanted it for. 

Once they got in the room, it was only seconds before Juray grabbed Elara and said,

            “Goddam girl! Those jeans that you have on are fittin’! I could hardly wait to get 
            my hands on you!”

Elara just laughed. She noticed how he undressed her with his eyes, from their first meeting through tonight. He gave her power with that look. He grabbed her face, and kissed her passionately. Elara could feel her sexual parts swelling with excitement, just from his kiss. He began to take off her clothes, so that he could finally see her body. Her pretty electric blue bra was perfectly sexy against her soft skin. He couldn’t wait to get her jeans off, but he had to let her handle that. Her hips proved to be an obstacle for him. He let Elara finish undressing herself, as he undressed while keeping an intent eye on her. Once her pants came off, he could finally see her full hips, small waist, and thick thighs. All things that added to his fantasy of her, and caused his erection to become almost painful. He couldn’t wait to penetrate her.

            “Stand right there for a minute.”

Elara stood in a power stance so that he could get a good look at her body, and her sexy underwear. As she stood, legs apart and hands on hips, Juray told her to turn around. Her fat booty was the cherry on top of all of her sexiness. He couldn’t take it anymore. He walked over to Elara, and as he kissed her, he was unhooking her bra. He grabbed her breasts into a mound so that he could suck on them both at the same time. He then had her turn around and put her hands on the wall, as he pulled her panties off. He finally penetrated her, and she was extremely moist from all of the pre-sex activity. She was tight at first, so he grabbed himself to ease himself into her. Once he was in, he showed no mercy as he gave her every inch of his full thrust, over and over, until he came. Although it was a quick climax, Elara wasn’t disappointed. She screamed and panted for every minute of that fantastic fuck. It didn’t take long for Juray to get hard again, and they had sex several times that night, until Juray had to leave by 3am to get home. Elara stayed until morning, and woke up with a big smile on her face. What a way to start the day!

Juray (to be cont.)

Part 3 next Saturday 9/10/16