Sunday, July 24, 2016

Toni and Duron (Part 1 of 4)

The Traffic Stop

Duron noticed the flashing lights in his rearview mirror, and at the same time Toni’s head rose out of his lap. He realized that he must have been driving a bit erratically during the orgasm that he experienced while driving on the Atlantic City Expressway. He pulled over to the side of the road. A police officer approached the car to ask for his license and registration. There was another officer on the passenger side flashing a light into the car. Duron handed the officer his license, while Toni was getting the registration for her Cadillac out of her pocketbook.
          The officer to Duron, “Where’s your registration?” 
          Duron, “This isn’t my car sir, this is the young lady’s car?” 
          The officer, “Get out of the car!”

Duron proceeded to get out of the car, but had to zip and button his pants. In the meantime, Toni was retrieving her registration while the other officer continued to use his flashlight to follow her every movement. She produced the registration, after the officer refused to believe that the car was hers, and not Duron’s. She also decided to get her lipstick out to refresh her lips. The officer directed Duron to attempt to walk a straight line. Toni giggled when Duron found that feat impossible to do, because he had just had an intense orgasm before he was pulled over. His legs were practically mush. Even though he had been smoking weed, he was a weed-head and weed never caused him any disorientation. The officers saw the open bottles of beer in the car, and they also noticed a partially smoked marijuana cigarette. Duron immediately took responsibility for everything, and said that Toni hadn’t been smoking anything. The officer got pretty angry, because he clearly could see her red lipstick on the joint.

“Were you smoking marijuana Ms. Granger?” He got her name from her registration.
“No officer.”

That got the officer pretty agitated, because her bright red lipstick was wrapped around the tip of the joint. He didn’t appreciate what he assumed was such a blatant lie, so he raised his voice.

“MS. GRANGER!” As he held up the joint making sure to show the lipsticked tip. 

Toni could hear the anger in his voice, so she decided to not say anything, because she knew how it looked. Duron spoke up calmly to tell the officer that he asked Ms. Granger to light it for him, so that’s how her lipstick got on the joint, but she in fact did not smoke any. He again told the officer that he would take full responsibility for everything.

Duron was handcuffed and put in back of the police car. Toni was escorted to the back seat of the police car too, but was not handcuffed. Her car was left on the side of the ACEX. When they got to the police station, they noticed how the ACEX had many cameras throughout the expressway, because of all of the monitors that were being viewed at the station. Toni and Duron had the same thought, “That’s how we got caught!” Duron was put in a cell, while Toni sat in the lobby. As Toni waited, she started to think about how they got in this situation.

Toni and Duron were friends who would go to AC every so often, to dress up, eat good food, and gamble. They always made enough money on the Roulette tables, to pay for their quick trip to AC, and to have a couple of extra dollars left over. It always worked out this way, until tonight. Duron always drove, and always started out with, once they hit the AC expressway, he would have Toni fire up a joint. Once his high started to kick in, he would get Toni to go down on him while driving. This was exciting to both of them. Toni would have her beer, while Duron would have his smoke. They both had their own preferred indulgences to get them high. This night, they would finally get caught, because the car was swerving pretty badly while Duron was climaxing. This incident would end their ACEX routine.

An hour or so went by, and Toni was wondering what was happening. At that same time the officer came out to let her know, that they were charging him, and that she would not be charged because he accepted responsibility for everything. But he also let her know how serious it was to be smoking an illegal substance, and drinking while driving in her car. She realized that she was getting a break. She also realized, that they were allowing her to come down off of her assumed “high” so that they could take her and Duron back to her car, so that she could drive home. They were releasing Duron on his own recognizance. A little while later, the officer checked her pupils, then took them back to her car so that she could drive them home.

They still went to AC, but didn’t have the luck that they usually had while gambling. The incident threw their whole night off, but they were lucky to be free, so they went home grateful that the night didn’t turn out worse.


  1. Intriguing story line, draws the reader in immediately. Not too much in agreement with the illegal drug and sex while driving, too risky. I am anticipating to see the next approach to this intensifying story. It sizzles and its hot!

    1. Thank you for the comment Sophie! I appreciate your interest and am happy that you enjoyed it!
